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Co-founder and director of public relations

Candace is a no-nonsense modern-day renaissance woman with a passion for innovation, strategy, and storytelling. Candace graduated from University of Houston in 2018 and earned her M.S. in public relations from Boston University in 2022. She now works in public relations supporting national brands in the food and restaurant industry, and is the co-founder of Vail Athletics. Through her time spent working with the University of Houston’s sports medicine team in college, she developed a passion for the world of athletics and ensuring that every athlete’s voice is heard and story told.

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Founder and CEO

Our visionary leader, Roman, has demonstrated grit and determination in all circumstances. He worked his way from walk-on to starting linebacker at University of Houston, then made his way to wealth management, and is now earning his masters while building a business. Roman graduated from UH with a B.S. in economics and a minor in business, and founded Vail Athletics with the hope to inspire athletes to take a wholistic approach within their training and relentlessly pursue their goals both on and off the field.